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Connected Learning Summit: Keynote Speakers Announced

Eve Ewing and Tracy Fullerton have been announced as the keynote speakers for the 2019 Connected Learning Summit. Ewing is a sociologist focused on social inequality in education. Fullerton is an experimental game designer, professor, and director of the USC Games program. The summit will be hosted at UC Irvine’s […]


Students develop mobile apps over Independent Activities Period – Part I

The MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program/The Education Arcade is typically bustling during January’s Independent Activities Period or “IAP” at MIT.  It’s a month when students can spend time on campus without their usual semester courseload, and when our lab hires undergraduates to help with project sprints (stay tuned for Part […]


Call for Proposals: Connected Learning Summit 2019

The date and venue are set for the Second Annual Connected Learning Summit (CLS): October 3-5, 2019 at the University of California, Irvine. The conference location will alternate between UC Irvine and MIT, where the MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program/The Education Arcade co-hosted the First Annual Connected Learning Summit in […]


Call for Proposals: Well Played – Intergenerational Play

Well Played: Intergenerational Play Special Issue Call for Proposals How does a parent know if the games that their child is playing is helpful, harmful, appropriate, challenging or intimidating for their child? One excellent way is for the parent and child to game together. In this special issue of Well […]


Quests, Badges, and XP: How Teachers Are Using Digital Games

The Education Arcade was featured in the news story, “Quests, Badges, and XP: How Teachers Are Using Digital Games” in Education Week recently. The story focuses on how teachers are using games in the classroom. Many of the examples are drawn from work in The Education Arcade. While the title […]


Inaugural Connected Learning Summit

The first annual Connected Learning Summit was held at MIT this summer. This new conference, co-organized by the MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program/The Education Arcade and UC Irvine, combines themes and structures from past conferences including Games Learning + Society, the Sandbox Summit and Digital Media and Learning. The Connected […]
