BioGraph is a collaborative, research-based design project created by the Scheller Teacher Education Program and the Graduate School of Education at UPenn. BioGraph improves comprehension of biology by incorporating complex systems ideas (e.g. randomness, self-organization, emergence) into the high school biology curriculum. It uses a blocks-based modeling and simulation environment – StarLogo Nova – to immerse students in interactive complex systems that they would otherwise not be able to explore. We are working with partner teachers to research how best to integrate these cutting-edge technologies into everyday student classroom experiences.
Modeling a Pond Ecosystem (new version)
Teacher Materials Student Materials StarLogo Nova Model (on beta server)
Gene Regulation and Protein Synthesis
Teacher Materials Student Materials StarLogo Nova Model
Sugar Transport
Teacher Materials Student Materials StarLogo Nova Model
Evolution: Something’s Fishy
Teacher Materials Student Materials StarLogo Nova Model
Enzymes: Chew on This!
Yoon, S., Anderson, E., Koehler-Yom, Evans, C., Park, M., J., Sheldon, J., Schoenfeld, I., Wendel, D., Scheintaub, H., Klopfer, E. (2017). Teaching about complex systems is no simple matter: Building effective professional development for computer-supported complex systems instruction. Instructional Science, 45(1), 99–121.
Yoon, S., Anderson, E., Klopfer, E., Koehler-Yom, J., Sheldon, J., Schoenfeld, I., Wendel, D., Scheintaub, H., Oztok, M., Evans, C., Goh, S. (2016). Designing computer-supported complex systems curricula for the Next Generation Science Standards in high school science classrooms. Systems, 4(38), 1–18. Retrieved from
Yoon, S., Anderson, E., Koehler-Yom, J., Sheldon, J., Schoenfeld, I., Wendel, D., Scheintaub, H., Klopfer, E., Oztok, M., & Evans, C. (2015). Design features for computer-supported complex systems learning and teaching in high school science classrooms. Journal of Research in STEM Education, 1(1), 17–30.
Yoon, S. A., Koehler-Yom, J., Anderson, E., Lin, J., & Klopfer, E. (2015). Using an adaptive expertise lens to understand the quality of teachers’ classroom implementation of computer-supported complex systems curricula in high school science. Research in Science & Technological Education, 33(2), 237-251.
Yoon, S., Klopfer, E., Wang, J., Sheldon, J., Wendel, D., Schoenfeld, I., … & Reider, D. (2013). Designing to improve biology understanding through complex systems in high school classrooms: No simple matter. Proceedings of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Madison, Wisconsin.