News and current information about STEP/TEA.
STEP | TEA Lab research scientists Emma Anderson, Christina Bosch, and Grace Lin were featured on the Silver Lining for Learning podcast Episode 221, where they shared insights and thoughts on AI education and AI for Education. To watch or listen to the podcast, click here. From the Silver Lining for Learning […]
We are excited to announce the relaunch of 11.132x: Design and Development of Educational Technology. Reviving a Popular EdTech Course Series Ten years ago, STEP/TEA launched a series of four MOOCs focused on the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of educational technologies, including games for learning. After running for several […]
The application is live for our 2025 Science and Engineering Program for Teachers. This year’s program will be on MIT’s Campus July 6th-11th 2025. If you are a Middle or High School STEM teacher and want a professional development opportunity with like-minded teachers from around the world, please consider filling […]
Our collaboration work with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has recently been featured in the University’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources news page.
Every year in our spring class, Design and Development of Games for Learning (CMS.590), students work in groups on three big projects – curriculum for an existing game, an original or modified tabletop game, and an original digital game. The final project is to create a 10-15 minute playable prototype […]